CSRD is the most demanding ESG regulation in the world. While it is a tremendous opportunity to improve your positive impact, its complexity may feel overwhelming. ROSE is designed to guide you through your journey to compliance, step by step. We can start from scratch or use what you already have.

The first step to compliance is performing your double materiality assessment.

If you have already done it, we will import it into ROSE.

Then, we will have to engage your stakeholders.

We will build personalized surveys for each one of them and incorporate the results into the platform.

From this initial work, we will derive the data points you need to report on.

We will organize the data collection from your data source system. It means we adapt to your exports and do not ask you to fit in a rigid template.

At this stage, we will be ready to work towards disclosing your reports

CSRD is like a circle of constant improvement

Every year, or quarter, you will update your data and define new goals.